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complete coverage of topics
Set of 1,000+ Flashcards
A quick and easy way to practice recall of the most-common, most-tested illness presentations and the associated diagnoses and management.

quick practice
Build durable, speedy recall
Flashcards are a great way to practice your recall of concepts. Repetition makes your memory more durable and more easily accessed

Connected to the core
Dig deeper into the learning
Every Flashcard details where to find the same topic in the MedStudy Core.
Digital Flashcards are interlinked to the digital Core; get there in a single click!
The Core is sold separately.
Reinforce your learning across Pediatrics
Flip through the entire Cardiology section for free
Get 30-day access to the entire Cardiology section of the Pediatrics Study Strong Essentials (includes the Core, Q&As, Flashcards, and Personal Trainer) to unlock even more. No credit card required.
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study strong essentials
Save $600 when you bundle with Core and Qbank+
Study Strong Essentials combines focused content with evidence-based learning techniques to ensure you achieve and maintain core competency.
Affordable options for residency programs
One of our Program Partners will work with you 1-on-1 to meet your specific learning and budget goals.