Here's to happier work days, less stressful nights, and healthier patients.

MedStudy resources help you narrow in on exactly what will be on your boards. We keep things simple. Our foundational product, the Core, is a set of 5 books. Our team of 200+ expert physician educators have spent years culling down the tomes of medical text to present everything that you need—and nothing that you don't.

Looking for a review course?

We have those too! PGY3s love coming to our Review Course to prepare for their boards. You'll be able to sit in the lectures live, and watch them on-demand once the course is over.

Get more tips for residency in the Margins blog

*The discount code SUNY is good for 40% off MedStudy Internal Medicine Core, Qbank+, or Video Board Review. Discount not applicable to tax or shipping and handling charges. May not be applied to previous orders. Offers valid through 11:59pm MT on 8/15/24. Offer cannot be combined. One use per customer.