
Based on 291 reviews
Best study guide!

I get this book every year to prepare for my MOC quarterly tests. I got an offer for another book and ordered it bc it was a little cheaper. Well, you get what you pay for. It was terrrible! It had all the information, but the presentation and organization was subpar. I will always use MedStudy!

Medical Student Core
Highly recommended

I absolutely love my Medical Student Core books. It have so much needed and easy to translate details. I feel better prepared know to face my medical journey. This is something I can use well after Med school. Thank you to Medstudy!

Exactly what I needed

An effective way to study and really learn the material. Love the latest update on Personal Trainer

Best way to learn while driving or doing other routine house chores etc

NEW! 2024-2025 Internal Medicine Video Board Review

Step 2 Qbank+
faisal alhalmi

Step 2 Qbank+

Pediatrics Qbank+
Roger Cooper


Excellent review book

Very thorough! Nice to have all the information in one place!

I'm happy I found medstudy on instagram

I just receive the cardiology book it will help me a lot I'm glad I order it none of the stores has to the books I want but I'm going to this I'm going to come back again .

MOCA peds review-2025

I finished my MOCA cycle last year but purchased the 2025 edition just to have on my shelf for reference, as the others were fantastic! I did well on the exam over the last 3 years with this tool being my only source of reference. The 2025 edition is just as thorough as the others. I would highly recommend this product when preparing for MOCA- peds exam questions.

10 year recertification best!

I will be taking my 3rd Internal Medicine recertification 1 year early this 2025. Since I also have to take my nephrology recertification in 2028, I decided to do 10 years for IM and longitudinal for nephrology. I done MedStudy for my previous two recertifications with good success!. I like MedStudy concise material with yellow underlining. This is the first time that I get the questions and they’re very good. I also like the MOC points. Overall, I highly recommend MedStudy.

QuickREF for 2025 MOCA-Peds Learning Objectives

Internal Medicine Core
Deborah Bowe, MD
CME Feb 2025

The course was quite challenging

Internal Medicine Qbank+
Shahab Mohiuddin


Medical Student Core
Chelsea Beckley
Love the books

The books are so beautiful and helpful on my medical career.

I love MedStudy and all their products. Last year I didn't buy it because I completed my requirements one year before, but I can see the improvement in the depth of the material and the arrival of it. I am very pleased, and I always recommend them!

Bringing smart-and **** back!

I have been using the question bank to keep current and versed in test taking mode. It has kept my clinical skill sharp. I am feeling smarter and confident as I use these questions to study. My wife says " smart is ****".

Medical Student Core
Shelley Behrendt



Your question bank is a valuable resource for brushing up on internal medicine and even good for CME credits
I really enjoyed the learning experience
Thank you for all that you do!!

Never Failed Me

This will be my 3rd recertification and my 4th time using MedStudy as my only study aid for the ABIM. MedStudy has never failed me to prepare well.

Medical Student Core

Study with Excellence

Excellent materials with various modalities to sharpen your clinical skills. Never disappointed with their curriculums.

Pediatrics Qbank+
Prachie Garg

Pediatrics Qbank+

QuickREF for 2025 MOCA-Peds Learning Objectives

Medical Student Core
Annika Agrawal

Medical Student Core